Meet Bradie
I began skating when I was 2 ½ years old, when my mom says that I would beg her to take me ice skating.
What is your favorite thing about skating? My favorite thing about skating is performing for an audience. I love the energy that comes from a stadium full of people, and being able to incorporate that energy into my performance.
What is your least favorite thing about skating? My least favorite thing about skating would have to be waking up so early in the morning.
Coach: Benoit Richaud
Jump Specialist: Cedric Tour
Former Coaches : Tom Zakrajsek, Ryan Jahnke, Denise Myers, Jeremy Allen
Choreographer: Benoit Richaud
Former Choreographer: Scott Allen
Training Center: Nice, France
Former Training Center: World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Twin Rinks Ice Pavilion in Buffalo Grove, Illinois
Skating Club: Skokie Valley Skating Club
Hobbies/interests besides skating: Reading, writing, swimming, and hanging out with friends and family.
Off-Ice Goals: Continue working towards my college degree